Saturday, 18 April 2015

Creating Volume in the Hair - Blow Drying

Creative Volumed Hair

-      Root Boost
-      Serum
-      Wax / Putty
-      Shine Spray
-      Mousse
-      Hair Dryer with Nozzle
-      Vent Brush
-      Section Clips
-      Hairspray to finish

- Wash the hair thoroughly. 
- Adding heat to wet hair means you can manipulate the hair to any structure. - - Use the nozzle on the hair dryer to distribute the heat where you want it to go. - Section the hair into thin, clean, manageable sections. 
- Lift the hair high from the root using a vent brush. A vent brush allows the heat to go through the brush to the hair.
- With the hairdryer, dry underneath the raised hairbrush in a back and forward motion. The hair dryer should be on a bearable heat for the client. 
- Repeat with the hair positioned above the brush. Make sure to keep the brush in a raised position for both motions. 
- Pull the brush through the hair, twisting it as you go to create a smooth finish. If the hair is cold then it is still wet.
- Continue with the next section, making sure the wet hair doesn't touch the section you have just created lift on. Do not run your hands through the hair as this will deflate the volume you have just created as there is moisture and oils on hands. 
- Finish with a cool heat and hairspray to set. 

Wet the hair to apply heat in order to manipulate to your chosen structure. 

Lift at the root created with a vent brush.

Overall lift to the roots from blow drying.

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