Sunday, 19 April 2015

Master class Images - Eleven Strand and Weave

Eleven Strand Plait: 

- Brush the hair thoroughly to ensure there are no knots and tangles in the hair. 
- Section the hair into three parts. In the centre part create a five strand plait. The two outer sections will be three strand plaits.
- Start a five strand plait by taking three strands in one hand and two in the other. Take one strand over and then stop. Repeat on the other side with three strands. Grip in place when finished. 
-  On the left outer section, start a three strand plait. The strand closest to the five braid plait thread through the five strand and plait back into the three strand. Repeat until the three strand has completely merged into the five strand plait. Repeat on the other outer section.

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Weave Braid: 

- Create a five strand plait with three strands in one hand and two in the other. 
- Weave the hair under and over.
- Repeat until the hair resembles a weaved effect.

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